• Cannabis A to Z

Frankie Boyer

Host: Frankie Boyer

All listed Times are Central Time (CT)

  • Sat: 7:00am-8:00am
  • Call In Line: sorry no calls

Cannabis A to Z explores the new emerging green world of Cannabis. Host Frankie Boyer has always been a pioneer, leading the way with one of the longest-running holistic health shows on the air. Mixing common sense and uncommon insights, Frankie is continuing her ongoing commitment to spread the REAL news about healthy living in today's world. Listeners get the good, the bad, the ugly, the controversial, and the most accurate, up to date and helpful information. Extending that mission is her current devotion to clarifying all the myths and truths about the many facets of Cannabis today. Listeners will hear educators answering key questions such as What are CBDs? Are they safe? How do they work? How is hemp different? Is this a good investment arena? What products are available? They'll also hear the most up to date news from, doctors, lawyers, business leaders and others in this growing industry. Other topics include sustainability issues, food and supplement uses, the range of products and more. As always, the on air interviews are conversations that are insightful, inspiring, and educational. It's a new frontier, which as of this date, is now legal - in one form or another -- in 40 states across the country. This is not a fad;it's a global market that will generate billions: POISED FOR ENORMOUS ECONOMIC GROWTH: In 2015, legal Cannabis sales in the United States jumped 17 percent, to $5.4 billion, and grew by nearly 25 percent this year, to $6.7 billion (data according to Arcview Market Research). By 2020 legal cannabis sales in the United States are projected to reach $21.8 billion.
