• Bob Davis

Bob Davis

Host: Bob Davis

All listed Times are Central Time (CT)

  • Sat: 3:00am-4:00am
  • Call In Line: sorry, no calls.

In a new venture with the Genesis Communications Network, Bob Davis brings highlights of his daily and weekly podcasts to radio in 'The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show'. All of the Bob Davis Podcasts are available here at www.thebobdavispodcasts.com.

Podcasts, or on-demand-audio, are a brand new and rapidly growing medium for exchanging ideas and Davis has a unique way of communicating through this new medium.

Bob is a political/lifestyle podcaster and talk radio host - a clear voice to help you balance the propaganda that passes for 'political analysis' and the 'noise' in media today. Says Davis, "Podcasts have a high concentration of content with more substance and detail, all presented in a very intimate one-on-one way. It's time to bring that detail, substance and personal communication back to radio."

That's just what the Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show does.

Bob Davis travels the country in a repurposed 2000 Ford Super Duty Ambulance known as "Mobile Podcast Command" heading to events like Sturgis 2015 and the EAA Air Show at Osh Kosh, or covering the presidential primary race in 2016. Subscribers and listeners are carried right along as part of the the podcasts from Mobile Podcast Command. "Why sit a hermetically sealed studio somewhere when you podcast live from the scene?" says Davis. Being an eye witness to major political events and an obsessive reader helps him provide deep background to the stories most media cover only superficially and emotionally.

When he isn't traveling Davis is taking you along on his midnight 'walk and talks', interviews, or live chats by the fire. Bob Davis' curiosity, restlessness and dissatisfaction with the status quo come through loud and clear on the 'The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show'.
